Apparently there's no music yet..
Raxick is the name of an hour long slideshow that's in real need for development. It's about 2 twins going through a ton of emotional challenges (However it will turn like) and are gonna end up in the Marathon universe together with their colony ship and friends.
The twins look like this.

(Hands are too big gotta admit)
The blue one is called Sky Inter (Skyos Interra). He's the oldest and are a scientist that's not considered the most popular one of his team. And the green one is called Emerald Interra. She's a Sorceress and an active little girl. She's the more liked crew-mate in the colony ship.
Hopefully I'm gonna have the energy to work on this. It would be a shame if it didn't ever get a release.
5 Oktober 2020
8 Oktober 2020
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