The Morna Power

Broke MeOne of the many representations for Morna

Morna is a far stretching power that I came up with back at my high school days and continued to exist in most of my past projects times later. It originated from an RTS game idea of mine that started out as a Battle Realms clone and apparently meant something about waking up in Swedish. (Morna was a random word I came up with)

Morna is (As I consider it) future magic. It's usable by any smart creature that wields it and can be used to bend reality and conjure up elements. The ones wielding the power is called Mornalists. The morna itself is scattered all over the universe which names it a "Mornaverse". Altho everywhere, there's one place where there's the most energy. The original area from where the power came from called the Morna Core. The Core generates new Morna rapidly and never stops. The Morna generated is called Morni (Positive) and Murno (Negative).



In order to perform Mornalistic abilities, one has to be born with it or find a large amount of absorbable energy in something like a Power Well or another Mornalist that is enough powerful to sacrifice some of it's own without losing too much. Mornalists can slightly alter reality, heal and destroy what they want and spawn creations from another realm or even create their own.

I made some Mornalist types that's worth mentioning. Like


A glyph is some kind of stone molded with Morna. (What it actually is I haven't looked up yet) It can have any kind of Morni/Murno in it and can be used by any creature that knows how to activate it. Mornalists or not. A Glyphling is usually tasked to make glyphs out of a selected amount of their own energy. Making their job nearly deadly to themselves. They can not only Glyph making but also knows certain abilities like dismornify and energy ball and also Mornify themselves to cast these abilities with more effect. However to be a Glyphling you must not only know how to be a Mornalist but also be able to regenerate energy


A sort of Guardian for artifacts that knows the ways of turning harmless objects into deadly weapons. They're all about the spikes and could even transform enemies into stone at will. They're mostly focused on combat rather than supporting others but it's rare to get them into wars because of their clean dedication to protect their most valued items. Spinxers who don't have any treasure to protect are called Broken Spinxers.

(A note. It can happen that I mistake Spinxers for some priest type. But Spinxers are mostly an example like the others.)

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